Friday, June 7, 2013

T - 13 Days

*EDIT*6/7@12:07pm*  Please check your emails today!

1. Interviews went relatively smoothly, we're going to have some fun this year haha. I'm happy to say that nobody who came to the interview last Saturday and Sunday were deemed as serial killers or child molesters! Welcome aboard!

2. With almost exactly two weeks left before the program starts, we're super excited. This Saturday at 3:00pm, we will have our Volunteer Orientation, so make sure to show up! If you don't you'll still be held accountable for the things we go over! For those of you who were unable to make interviews and/or want to sign up last minute, make sure to fill out an application here and come to church this Saturday (day of the orientation) by 2:00pm! Once again, if you don't know where our church is located, here is the address:

2129 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90006

Please remember to bring in any questions you may have for the Q&A session during the orientation.

3. It's almost show time, everyone. Let's do this right!

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