1. First order of business: we have contacted most of you for interviews, which will take place this Saturday (6/1) from 2-5pm at Gracious Ark Church. Here is the address:
2129 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
If you did not receive a call or message from us, please contact us as soon as possible at arkschoolgac@gmail.com. Additionally, for this interview, please prepare any questions you may have as well as a brief introduction of yourself. Thanks!
Don't worry too much about the interview. It's main purpose is just for us to get to know you. However, please, please, please don't be late because it may affect other interview times.
2. Our orientation will be on June 8. The time is TBA, but will take place some time between 12-5pm. Please plan accordingly for attendance is mandatory. If you have a schedule conflict, let us know immediately or else we may
*But actually, we might not be able to accomodate you even if you do let us know, so just make sure that you are there. #mixedsignals #thisain'ttwitter
3. If you have any friends who would like to volunteer, tell them to contact us now. Like, really. Now. Right now. Now. Now.
We especially need people who can teach specific instruments (i.e. clarinet, violin, guitar, etc.)
4. Finally, please note that we are quickly weaning out the name "Ark School" and replacing it with "The Apple Tree," despite our email address and the Ark School T-shirt I am wearing right now.